my post on how too deel with big time prowdewsers is gunna hafta wate.
My ex-BFF jus came ofer two my playse (when he waz stil my BFF).
Furst, he red my new blog, a blog i call: the neckst generashun of scrip riting blogs.
He axed if i was jowking.
I said, no.
he went silent.
i didnt like that.
Two lewsen up what's starting off too bee a veree tuff day four me, i was kind anuff to offer my ex-BFF if hed like to haf a duble skoch and sowda with me.
Sure, he sayd.
I get us the drinks and befour yew no it, were hafing a full blown debate why batman and robin is the best bat film (and, in mi humbel apinien, cwite posebly one ov the best moovees ever).
My now ex-BFF sayd i waz nuts. That Batman and Robin mayd no cents.
And i sayd: like the dark nite does???
he went silent agen.
this was a chanss for mee to nock him owt with my feelings: in dark nite batman growls all the time. in batman and robin, jerge klewney doesnt efen change his voyce wen he's in the batsewt. Therfor, less confewshun-- its oveeus that brewse wayn IS batman.
i can reelate two jerge klewney and im comfourtable enuf with my own sexshuality that i not onlee fownd hiz bobel-head performansse charming-- hee lewked good dewing it.
wen he thot that al-fred was dieing-- sow did I! Thats how grate his reeakshuns were to that old inglish guy that plays Alfred waz!
and anywayz-- wats with cristien bale growling all the time? he wasnt batman. he waz a nitemare.
also, take a lewk at the two scrips.
simplee put: i didnt understand what the hell waz go-ing on in dark nite.
batman and robin spoke to mee. thats the signal that the scrip riter new what the hell he waz doing.
Did cristofer nolen no what he waz dewing? Or was he sneeking a silver flask on set filled with "cofee"? Waz he makeing up everee seen after finish-ing his "cofee"? seems that way to mee.
my now ex-BFF sayd that wat i was saing borders on the insayn. That i woodnt no a good scrip if i waz punched in the face with won.
hes jus saying this cos hes a suposedlee a "payd" "scrip riter" on "well nowen" "tv shows".
Hes not my BFF anee mor :-(
Butt... Downt wurry abowt mee and keep riting :()
Your blog sucks but in a good way. It makes me feel great about my writing skills and my potential as a script writer. Please post more. It's amazing for my self-esteem!
ReplyDeletewhoo are yew wurking four, "Mister Darvasi"??? Jon Awegust???
ReplyDeleteTell Mister fancee pants two get a life.